
We are honored to offer a tiered pricing model to our community. The tiered pricing model is one way Embodied Directions upholds our community pillar of accessibility.

What is a tiered pricing model?

The intention of this pricing model is to help make classes at the Sanctuary attainable for individuals who hold marginalized identities, as well as people experiencing significant financial hardship. We respectfully ask anyone in a more advantageous position to please consider the Supporter or Sustainer, with the aim of providing support to others in the community with limited financial resources. This pricing model is another opportunity to live by the yoga code of ethics.

The pricing tiers are:

Tier 1 – Supporter: Take support to the next level. This rate supports yourself and others in the community

  • Drop in for $22/per class or,
  • 1 Month, 5 Class Subscription (non-renewing) $90
  • Drop in for $18 or,
  • 1 Month, 5 Class Subscription (non-renewing) $70

Tier 3 – Community: This community supported rate reflects the collective spirit of yoga

  • Drop in for $14 or,
  • 1 Month, 5 Class Subscription (non-renewing) $50

New Participant Special: Discounted 1st Class (for new participants only) $10

Buy Classes Support Our Community Fund

Be sure to check out our Pay it Forward Wall!